What is a Sound Bath?

A Sound Bath is a time for your own inward journey.  This journey will be experienced in the deep frequencies of sound.  Feel your way through a myriad of tonal vibrations.  Sound Healing instruments may include Gongs, Crystal Bowls, Drums, Tongue drum, Sansula, chimes, Koshi, flutes and more.  A sound bath is a sonic vacation, no skills required.  Make yourself comfortable sit or lie down as you let the sounds wash over you.  Some sounds shake up and move energy, other sounds take you into deep relaxation.  Sit with these sounds and allow yourself to be curious as to what these sounds bring up for you. A Sound Bath allows you to clear your emotional field by sitting with your emotions as they rise up and practicing letting them go.  The Key ingredient in a Sound experience is getting quiet and sitting with whatever comes up.  Allowing the mix of Sound Bath and modern sounds to be heard and released.  




Tara Semple 

Bachelor of Music, University of Toronto Flute Performance

Regina Symphony Orchestra, assistant principal flute and piccolo

Artistic Director and performer,               Per Sonatori Baroque Ensemble

Director of the Quarter Tones Flute Ensemble, Rusty Flute Club.

Tara is a passionate member of the musical community in Regina.  She has an active flute studio and performs as well as directs in a variety of ensembles in the city.  Tara has recorded on many CD projects as well as numerous jingles and television soundtracks.

Tara has been expanding her musical practice into the world of sound healing.  She has moved from the classical and baroque world towards supporting her inward sound journey.  She has taken courses with Tony Nec (Sound Healing Academy, England), 'Kaasay' Nancy Watters (singing bowls, Victoria), Jeralyn Glass (singing bowls, California), Dr. Julie Zepp (writing, and personal growth, Regina), Chloe Goodchild (The Naked Voice, England) Dr. Stacey Bliss (gong, Calgary). She  has also participated in multiple sound healing summits.

Tara has recently graduated, with her certification in Sound Healing and Therapy  from the Globe Institute in Sausalito, California directed by Daivd Gibson.  


Shunyata Sound Studio opened its doors September of 2021, in the Knox-Metropolitan Chapel, where Tara regularly hosts sound bath experiences.  She is a sound alchemist working with crystal singing bowls, gongs, chimes, drums, sansula a variety of flutes, tongue drum and Monalina.  

Please join our growing community and follow the Sun as we present The Sun Series.   A Concert/Sound Bath expression offered around,  The Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox.  

   Tara Semple

Sound Alchemist

Shunyata Studio Sound Baths

     Shunyata Sound Studio, in the Chapel of Knox-Metropolitan United Church, invites you to a Sound Bath experience.  

Close your eyes, take in a deep, slow breath, release your day and allow the frequency of sound to wash over you. Take time for  a journey of self discovery, listen deeply and hear what is in your own heart. The Sound Bath includes a variety of instruments, gongs, crystal bowls, drums and chimes to support you on your inner journey. Bring your own pillow and blanket. Cushions will be provided. Please arrive 10 minutes early to get settled.

Looking forward to meeting you in the sound field.  Tara


Please contact me by email at tarasemple@sasktel.net to book in for a private or group session.  Send me a few dates that you are looking at and I will try to accommodate. ( 1-4 people are $120.00) for the session 4 participants  and up would be  $30.00 per person up to 18 participants.


Shunyata Studio Photos

upcoming Soundings 

Cathedral Arts Festival

Gong Bath at Westminster United Church May 24th 7:30-8:15pm

No tickets donation at the door



 Awakening to the Gong. June 10 7:30pm held in the Shunyata Sound Studio at Knox-Metropolitan United Church.

           These Events are selling out so you may need to get your tickets ahead of time…

                       Tickets $30.00 a person      Full details on eventbrite 




Sun Series - Sounds of the Summer Solstice

June 23, 7:00pm in Knox Metropolitan United Church Gym

Music of the Heart

Inspired Word - Julie Zepp

Sound Bath - Tara Semple, with Hart Godden

Get your tickets right away before they are sold out..

Tickets $30.00 a person.    Full Details on eventbrite



Manitou Waters

Soundings at the Magical Waters of Manitou

August 23/24. more info to follow





Sun Series Photos

Sun Series

The Sun Series is a new Concert/Sound Bath offering.  This series premiered with 'A Solstice Sounding' on Dec 21, 2021.  This offering is a unique combination of concert music of the heart, inspired word, and  Sound Bath experience. Each offering will include a guest artist who will share music that deeply resonates with them. Dr. Julie Zepp will host this series, opening and closing sacred space, and sharing inspired words for each offering. The improvised Sound Bath will consist of gongs, crystal bowls, drums, shakers, sansula and more. The series will be held in the gym of Knox-Metropolitan United Church. Please bring a blanket and a pillow to ensure your comfort as you are invited to close your eyes and lie down to enjoy this series. Looking forward to meeting you in the sound field.   

Sun Series Tickets

Sun Series Concerts

Summer Solstice

 June 23, 2024


Tickets and more information  on eventbrite 










      Dancing till Your Body Drops        Tara Semple

Dancing till your body drops,  Singing till the music stops, Everything but slowing down, Whispering your own true sound

Father Time licks wounds of action,  Mother earth supports our lack, Sister moon lights roads of passage, So we can find our true way back

Chasing threads of worldly wonders, Sealed up lips, words swallowed in,  Locked up, shut down, no purpose,  Open up, let rise and surface 

Whisperings of inner truth, Winds of time they fall forlorn, Wisdom of the modern ages, Calling out to birth, be born

Divine we are, divine we be, Allowing light for all to see, Salvation held, creative muse, Drop deep within, be held be used 

